HorrorStumble is a website dedicated to collect, organize, and add information on various forms of horror works, particularly in entertainment. Starting with, but not limited to films and shows. Its purpose is to serve as a portal through which the horror genre can be gradually and continuously explored and appraised.
As a blog, HorrorStumble is committed to regularly bring in new content. We label it according to the system we have set up to facilitate the sorting and display of available material that can suit your cravings. We may also add searchable keywords to the posts if you want or need to get even more specific. All posts have comments enabled, so you may as well join in with your input if you’d like, if not just view others’.
The name, HorrorStumble, originated from the undeniable fact that some of us need horror in our veins as much as we need nutrients to function. Does that make us psychopaths or sociopaths? Not necessarily. Some of us are simply drawn to process the darker aspects of life - the reasons for this can be countless. And as this place is intended to become a bank that can provide our required fix, the name seemed appropriate - and creepy enough for it.
HorrorStumble came to be by the apparent "addiction" of a pair of friends to the horror genre. Noticing that the aforementioned is something that we always turn to, it was only a matter of taking it a step further and creating this space. Soon enough, we also counted on the support and contributions of more friends that also appreciate the genre. We don’t know how many more people will become as involved, but we’ll see in time.