As appreciators, we may bring several works into this site without implying that all of them meet specific, strict criteria and standards. In other words, don't say we didn't warn you: you might find some stuff so horribly bad it'll make you question why it's even here.
Furthermore, our assessments, as fans with personal preferences and interests, are subjective in nature. If you're looking for "objective opinions", cross your fingers and test your luck because they're not guaranteed. Similarly, the 'awards' we acknowledge certain works with are subject to our sense of taste and may not suit yours.
And speaking of opinions... Although we moderate input from our visitors (refusing to publish comments that are no more than spam or incite violence or crime), the input that we accept and display from our users is not necessarily in agreement with what we believe. Instead, we choose to allow and facilitate different perspectives and angles on matters and issues at hand.
Lastly, although we are passionate and have big aspirations for this project, more than anything, we're doing this as a side hobby. What this means is that this is not a full-time job and we're not stressing about it; we're trying to enjoy this and let it develop in accordance with that.