Terms of Service

By accessing, browsing, and otherwise making use of this site, HorrorStumble (horrorstumble.com), you agree to abide by the following terms of service.

First and foremost, you are an adult with the capacity to discern between what is right and what is wrong and to hold yourself accountable for your own actions. You do not expect, in any way or form, HorrorStumble to be your moral compass, nor would you blame your moral failings on the contents of this site. You will take responsibility for your decisions and proceed to consume the contents of this site in a mindful and conscientious manner.

Minors are not advised to be here. However, in the case that they are for any particular reason, a mature adult must accompany them and offer appropriate guidance, also keeping them from what would be too much for their age or developmental stage. Although some of the content on the site is suitable for minors, you understand that the site as a whole is not and will act accordingly.

If you’re drawing strange ideas, looking for validation and encouragement to enact violent scenes, as portrayed in the horror genre, for real, STOP. That behavior is not, AT ALL, welcome, let alone supported here. We recommend that you take it out in fiction (through writing, video games, etc.) or through intense exercise (burning out that pent-up energy). If these inclinations persist, seek help from a professional for your and everyone’s sake. We’re not here to fuel you in that direction.

You will watch out for your health, as well as other important matters in your life, and not let your enthusiasm for this base of horror works become a severe addiction at the expense of the aforementioned. Any significantly negative impact on yourself or your life that you notice from the use of this site must be taken seriously as a sign that it is not for you and you must quit it.

Alternatively, as a benign and continuous user, you are committed to refrain from engaging in behavior that would fall outside what’s acceptable. Keep non-existent, or to a minimum, malicious intent and reckless abandon. In case of doubt, ask.