Stranger Things' Final Monster: Vecna/001/Henry

The 4th season of Stranger Things came out and it became the horror event of the summer. Or at least that was the case for me, immersed in it and surrounded by memes of it. And now that I’m back from summer break, I get to speak about it.

There was much to appreciate about this season. And while the Russia bits felt like filler or side-dishes to a much more engaging main plot, I’ve got no complaints about it. I loved the new character introduced, Eddie Munson, and was engulfed by how the story played out. I also particularly liked how listening to your favorite song is what helps you snap out of the trance. That’s one valuable bard move there.

Stranger Things (2022) [Season 4]

But speaking of trances, what captured my attention and haunted me the most was Vecna. Also known as 001. Also known as Henry. The final monster of the story. In season 4, we got to take a closer look at him - see what he does, why he does it, and how he does it. He may be considered a typical villain or even a clichΓ©, but some of us found him strikingly familiar in a multidimensional and multilayered sense.

If you’ve had the misfortune of encountering somebody in your life that closely resembles this character, having him on screen may be both triggering and relieving to you. On one hand, it is beyond messed up. And on the other hand, it has been depicted. But depending on where you currently are on your path, dealing with them or recovering from them, it can be one more than the other.

What Vecna does, explained without context, doesn’t sound like much. And yet, he can be insanely dangerous and destructive in tormenting and torturous ways, causing agonizing pain and suffering as your life slips away. Unbelievably so. He mostly seeks out those who are vulnerable to his tactics: younger people carrying guilt and shame that they cannot withstand, let alone overcome, quite yet on their own. He uses this against them, making a storm out of a glass of water and a maze out of a dusty room. And although the show grants us glimpses into what it must be like internally and externally, it is still only fragments of it. Furthermore, it gets worse if you already have demons within you that you battle and struggle with.

Many of the protagonists found ways to untangle themselves from his grasp and keep themselves from it, as well as maneuvers to thwart his plans. However, in the story, 011 is sought after and assumed to be the one powerful enough to face and defeat him personally - or psychically.

Stranger Things (2022) [Season 4]

Eleven’s power is something Vecna noticed and was drawn to early on, as 001, while he assisted in the secret facilities. Nonetheless, he proceeded cleverly…

001 approached 011 while she was still at her weakest, while she still doubted herself and did not believe in her potential. She was teased, mocked, and bullied by her peers. With no sense of belonging, it was the perfect opportunity to sweep in and play the hero in front of her eyes. What is sad is that, all through it, you may intensely wish him to be. To completely turn things around for that scared little kid - even if it made him rude, mean, and cruel. So it hits you with cognitive dissonance whenever there is a hint or any evidence to the contrary as you refuse to give up hope. You may want to ignore and excuse the red flags up until you no longer can.

Indeed, they would have made a formidable pair against all odds if they had joined forces. But while they shared plenty in common as gifted oddities, they were also gravely misaligned in terms of goals and methods. So Eleven declined.

Stranger Things (2022) [Season 4]

As a kid himself, Henry could evoke sympathy despite his unusual and extreme attitude and tendencies. Something was certainly off about him, but maybe it wasn’t that bad or it didn’t have to be. Maybe the sense of isolation aggravated it. Maybe he could channel his genius in truly positive and constructive ways without betraying himself. Maybe, maybe… 

He’s just a kid and what kind of person would you be if you don’t give him the benefit of the doubt? If you don't care for him? But Henry was already convinced of the superiority and worthiness of his traits and his vision, no matter the cost. And what's more, he would ruthlessly develop and pursue them.

Quite unnervingly, although he was banished more than once, he remains. And although our survivors grew wiser and stronger, the world won't be the same...

  Are you Vecna/001/Henry-proofed? Which song would bring you out of his trance?